How do you fix a roof lining?

So you’re sick of not being able to see out your car windows or your kids sitting in the back seat and pulling that little flap of roof lining down further and further?

How do we fix a roof lining? 

  1. We remove all pillar plastics, grab handles, interior lights and accessories
  2. We then carefully remove all clips and fasteners holding the roof lining panel in place
  3. The roof lining panel is then manoeuvred out of the vehicle
  4. The old roof lining material is removed and all excess foam is scraped from the roof lining panel
  5. The new material is then cut to size and high quality contact adhesive is sprayed on the back of the material and the roof lining panel
  6. The glue is left to go off until it’s tacky and then material is then laid over the roof lining panel, the material is then smoothed to remove any pockets of air between the material and the panel
  7. All holes for accessories, grab handles and fasteners are then replicated in the new material
  8. The panel is then carefully installed back into the vehicle, all electrical and plastics are reinstalled and tested.

If you’d like to book your car in or find out more about our services give us a call on 0455 729 700.

how do you fix a roof lining